One of the brands that Industrial Parts Solutions has been repairing and maintaining for many years is Omron. Omron Industrial Automation is active in the fields of factory and machine automation, and supplies complete production systems and products for this purpose. Omron Electronic Components provides customers with high-quality, customised products, such as print relays and switches, connectors and photo microsensors. Omron Healthcare focuses on health technology and develops medical devices for therapies and various products for self-medication.

With over 4,000 Omron repairs of PLCs, inverters, servo motors and HMIs, Industrial Parts Solutions has grown into a repair specialist for this brand.

The history of Omron

In 1933, Kazuma Tateisi founded his company Tateisi Electric Manufacturing Co. in Japan, and started with the production of a high-speed timer for X-ray photographs. In the following years, the organisation professionalised and developed, and Tateisi produced many new and often innovative (automation) products. For example, he launched the world’s first ATM in 1971. In 1959, Omron was recorded as a trademark, and in 1990 the company changed its name to Omron Corporation.

Omron test systems

Thanks to the test systems used by Industrial Parts Solutions, Omron electronic devices can be tested before being sent back to our customers.

Omron stock

Did you know that Industrial Parts Solutions has more than 2,500 Omron items in stock? Check out our entire range below.

Omron repairs

Industrial Parts Solutions technicians repair Omron electronics at component level, supported by advanced measuring and testing equipment. Both new series and end-of-life electronics are professionally repaired.